Monday, February 7, 2005

Batavus Starflite Moped 1978

The motions

The motions of the earth are many. What we have already discussed the motion of rotation, which is what makes the earth turning on itself in 24 hours, and the motion of revolution, namely that the earth takes around the sun. Besides these two there are others much more complex and occurring at considerable speed: one is that of our solar system that revolves around the center of the Galaxy (in the order of hundreds of kilometers per second) called motorcycle travel, and another is that of our galaxy that moves within the Universe.

Other motions that take place in times longer than the rotation and revolution, the so-called motions millennia, they are minor compared to the other, and occur in a longer period of time, millennia in fact. The first millennium
motion (mm) is called "precession of the equinoxes" that I have already mentioned. It 's the most powerful known mm long, think that if they had already noticed the Egyptian astronomers, when they noticed that the moment of the vernal equinox calculated by calendar year, each year differed from that calculated with the formula of 20 minutes with' sidereal year. The cause of precession is given by the gravitational pull that the moon and sun exert along the equator of the earth, tend to "straighten" the Earth's axis (which is tilted about 23 ° from vertical on the ecliptic). The Earth, however, opposes luni-solar attraction, and the result of this "tug" is that the Earth's axis every 25,000 years describes a double cone (see fig.) With the top center of the earth. This movement is from east to west, and then reverse the motion of the Earth's rotation, and is called retrograde motion.

The consequences of the precession of the equinoxes are different: first of all is that the Earth's axis will always point not like now to the Pole Star, in fact in about 13,000 years it will point towards the star Vega , in the constellation Lyra.

Furthermore, because of this movement, even horoscope constellations have changed their position . Compared to the fourth century BC, when the constellations were fisate, the motion of precession of the Earth was undertaken over a period of 40 °. So the vernal equinox the sun is already in fish, and spends in the air after April 21.
A further consequence is that the seasons are anticipated each year a little bit. When the Earth's axis will have completed half of his round, the seasons are reversed. Mm The second is that of nutations . They are made of small vibrations Earth's axis and along the double cone mentioned above. The case is the same, the luni-solar attraction. (See fig.)
The third is the mm displacement of the line of apses. line of apses, as we have said, the union line between the aphelion and perihelion. This line shifts of 11 "of arc per year, taking place under the direction of movement of the earth (called direct drive), and" meets "the precession of the equinoxes. So the motion of precession is reduced from 25,000 to 21,000 years and we can also calculate that between 4500 years and that the line of apses of the equinoxes will be superimposed.
The fourth movement is the millennial variation of the eccentricity of the orbit land. The variation of the eccentricity of the orbit implies a greater or lesser closeness between earth and sun, and therefore gives variations on the amount of solar radiation received on earth. The fifth and final
mm is the difference in the inclination of the Earth's . As we know, it is tilted by 23 ° 27 'with respect to the vertical and in 40,000 years, the slope varies from a minimum of 21 ° 58' to a maximum of 24 ° 36 '. This affects the climate in different stragioni, because the inclination of the Earth depends on the angle of incidence of sunlight on Earth if the sun will come on earth perpendicularly warmer vice versa if they are more inclined the amount of solar radiation will be smaller, and therefore will relatively cold.

And the next time you start with the solar system:) It's called

Monday, January 24, 2005

Does Lala Wear A Weave

millennial earth, its movements, the equinoxes and solstices.

revolution, the movement that makes the earth rotating around the sun. To do a full circle the Earth Impega a year.
There is a point of the orbit where the Earth is closest to the sun, it is the perihelion, where the land currently passes on Jan. 3. The earth-sun distance at perihelion is 147 million kilometers. The point of greatest distance between Earth and Sun is that instead aphelion, and is reached on July 3, at this point the distance between Earth and Sun is 152 million kilometers. The difference between perihelion and aphelion is "only" 5 million kilometers, this means that the orbit of the earth around the sun (and that of all other planets) is slightly flattened ellipse.
The line joining perihelion and aphelion is called the line of apses .
The total length of 'Earth's orbit is 940 million kilometers (paths in just 365 days!) And the average speed of movement of the earth in its orbit is about 30 km / sec.
The Earth's orbit lies in a plane which is called the ecliptic . The earth's rotation axis is perpendicular to the ecliptic not , but is inclined to it and form an angle of 66 ° 33 '. During the rotation of the Earth's axis is always parallel to itself also.

As I said, the Earth completes a movement of revolution around the sun in a year, but if we consider the duration of the year as the time it takes the sun returns in the same position with respect to the system of fixed stars, then sidereal year we will have a , whose duration is 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, 10 seconds. However, if the year is measured as the time that elapses between two successive equinoxes , then we will have the ' calendar year, the duration is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 46 seconds. The different duration of the solar year and sidereal year is due to a precession of the equinoxes fenomento called (which I'll discuss next time).

If the Earth's axis were perpendicular to the ecliptic, then the Earth circle of light (= the imaginary circle that divides the illuminated part on the dark side) always pass through the poles and duration of the day would always be equal to that of the night would last forever either 12 hours in any Pounta land, throughout the year.
The Earth's axis is tilted 23 degrees instead of 27 'from the vertical plane of the ecliptic, and also remains always parallel to itself while the earth moves around the sun, there are only two positions along the Earth's orbit which cuts the circle of light poles and is tangent to the meridian: These are the positions of the equinoxes , during which the duration of the day is equal to that of the night. The spring equinox falls on March 21, while the autumnal equinox falls on September 23. In these two days in the sun all points on the earth is seen to rise exactly east and set exactly in the west. And the equator, at noon, the sun does not give shade.
other days of the year the circle of light gradually moves away from the poles, reaching the maximum angular distance from them of 23 ° 27 ', then riavvcina to move away again from the opposite side.
In the days following the spring equinox the sun culminates gradually to the north of the equator, until the day of the summer solstice, June 21, culminating on the places that are placed on a parallel 23 ° 27 'north latitude. This parallel is called the Tropic of Cancer . On this day the whole range from the South Pole and the parallel 23 ° 27 apart from it '(which in this case to the Antarctic Circle) is completely in the dark, having the sun below the horizon plane. At the same time throughout the north pole that is less than 23 ° 27 '(Arctic Circle) is the sun above the plane of the horizon for the entire day.
After the summer solstice the sun always rises to lower latitudes, on the day of the autumnal equinox back to culminate on the equator, to continue south, where the day of the winter solstice , December 22, culminates in the places that lie along the parallel of latitude 23 ° 27 'south. This parallel is called the Tropic of Capricorn . On this day the position of the circle of illumination is the reverse of that of the summer solstice, there will be dark at the north pole, the sun will never go below the horizon to the south pole.

Along the Earth's orbit so there are four "privileged" position; the two solstices and two equinoxes, which are interconnected respectively by line of the solstices and equinoxes line. These two imaginary lines are always perpendicular to each other, and the line of the solstices is not very far from the line of apses.

The consequences of the motion of the earth are so seasons, the different lengths of day and night, the variation in the length of the day ... that go into the next time:)

Monday, January 17, 2005

Brazilian Wax La Quinta Ca

The history of astronomy in more detail in

On the history of astronomy and turnover theories there is much to say. One of first things safe is that astronomy was born and has been studied for some time, as one with astrology. Then the two disciplines are divided roughly in 1400, when Copernicus began with a study of more "scientific" astronomy.

The ancients were great and good observers. Think of the Stone Age monuments of Stonehenge 2800 BC, think of the provision of cromlech and monoliths of Brittany, think of the medicine wheels of the Indians ... all designed and manufactured to a profound astronomical knowledge, that due to the lack of tools, it was based on ' observation. Try it, night after night fast and astronomy) to put out, nose, and try to distinguish the planets from the stars, and try to follow their movement and drawn on paper ... It is not easy, is it?
Well, the first who have completed this task successfully and were the Sumerians, who have passed on their knowledge in the field on clay tablets.
The best, however, to provide theoretical explanations for the movements of stars and planets were the Greeks. In the sixth century BC, the Pythagorean school was formed, whose members believed that the world was governed by two main objections: the finite (ie, the well, the cosmos, the order) and the infinite (that is, evil, chaos, disorder). Their mathematical studies have a magical and symbolic value: Pythagoras is convinced that behind all things are harmonious the precise numerical ratios: the earth, then, must be spherical motion of the stars must follow the laws of numbers, the orbits of the bodies are be circular and should be ten, a perfect number. And 'This is a vision that will influence for centuries the way of looking at the sky.
Between 300 and 200 BC we find the great "spin doctors" Aristotle, which is this idea of perfection on earth, and also explains why things have to be necessarily so: the Earth is the place of the lower and two (water and fire) of the five elements, which by their nature converge to the low, air and fire but converge towards each other, which is their natural place. Ether, the fifth element, as the heavenly bodies that move in a circle carried by 55 concentric spheres made of a special crystal, incorruptible and eternal. Around the earth, still, rotate the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the last sphere is that of the fixed stars and is kept in motion by the love of "divine unmoved mover," and this is the ball down the alternation of night and day and forward movement in all other spheres.
The first theory but also composed of real measurements is that of Aristarchus Samos, whose beliefs are not only logical and correct, but it is the first to use mathematical tools in the investigation of the cosmos. His theory is the first rudimentary heliocentric theory, which includes the Sun at the center of the sphere of the stars and still, and that the Earth revolves around him. To counter this
heliocentric theory was Ptolemy, with his theory of geocentric (Earth rest in the center with the sun and other celestial spheres that rotate around), but for a true revolution in the field can expect a lot, until 1400 when they started the first voyages of exploration and overcoming of the Pillars of Hercules. Thus, the Polish Copernicus (whose cultural foundations are based on previous studies, however, Greek, "Old" more than a thousand years) stated that the Earth was just one of many planets revolving around the sun, and doing calculations, he realized that the geocentric Ptolemaic system was something not quite right. But because of the great authorities of the Greek texts and studies, was limited to "modify" the Ptolemaic theory, arguing that the sun was the center of the orbits of the planets, but did not modify the design of concentric celestial spheres that rotate one within the other .
Even Kepler studied the ancient texts, and is convinced that God in creating the world has followed precise mathematical and geometrical laws, at a certain point becomes a friend of Tycho Brahe, who at death's passes all the data he had collected in a lifetime of observation of the sky. These data were valuable as precise (Brahe was obsessed with precision), and Kepler realizes that it is mathematically impossible that the sun is the center of the solar system, and are convinced that the sun appears to be spreading some mysterious force that acts on all the planets: comes forward the hypothesis that the orbits of the planets are elliptical and not circular, but it is such repulsion towards anything that moves away from perfection (circle vs. ellipse, in this case) that Kepler believed to have to redo and re-check all its calculations. The result obtained, however, is always the same, and eventually became convinced of the correctness of its results, and will succeed to discover the three laws that govern the movement of celestial bodies.
The first step was made, and continue with the discoveries by Galileo Galilei and his telescope. Galileo's mistake, however, was to pose Read more from best thinking of Aristotle and all the great Greek, and this attitude led him to be condemned by the pope to a kind of "house arrest" and was obliged to ask publicly apologized, saying, "I curse and detest the aforesaid errors and heresies." Galileo, however, he realized that it was worth bowing his head, if he wished to continue his studies.
year of Galileo's death coincided with the birth of Newton, which will revolutionize further the field of physics by his discovery of gravity, a force that is possessed by all bodies, and which is proportional to body mass and its density, and explained that the "forces at a distance" exercised by the sun and planets.
Then proceed their studies from the chemical point of view, due to Kirchhoff, Angstrom and Foucault, while in the physical study Doppler and Fizeau. Thanks to all of them face the sky changes once again: now even the "fixed" stars are moving!
And so we arrive at 1900, the century in which we have to thank Maxwell (electromagnetism for work), and Hertzsprung Russell (HR diagram for dividing the second star the spectral class to which they belong, that takes into account their color and their absolute magnitudes), Einstein (who worked on the photoelectric effect in physics, but whose deductions are also applicable in astronomy), Borh, Rutherford ...
are opened as new fields, like the radio-astronomy and of the star-sailing, there are new items that people in heaven, they build satellites and telescopes will make them gravitate to the earth ... But it is still far from understand how it all started and how it will all end, which is why studies continue and will continue.

The next episode will be more technical, with the sky coordinates, motions of the earth (millenarian or otherwise), and constellations)

Friday, January 14, 2005

What Movie Shows Women Genital In A Movie

brief history of astronomy

The history of astronomy, for a period of time, went hand in hand with astrology. A "scientific" study of the real sky was thanks to Nicolas Copernicus, in late 1400, when he published his De Revolutionibus (= "The Revolution"). In this book, insisted that, contrary to previous theories that asserted, was the Sun at the center of the orbits of the planets, not the Earth.

Until now, however, studies of heaven were less systematic, though starting as long as 5000 years ago, when the Chaldeans - ancestors of the Babylonians - compiled maps the sky. Each star sign on the paper it was believed that humans had an influence, and everything that could not be explained was certainly the work of the gods who resided in the planets and the heavens.

The study of the sky, however, was purely and simply by observation, because it can calculate distances, space and time, there were none.
The Greeks and the Egyptians gave much to the theory and practice of astrology / astronomy, but was very oral, so there are no written sources that can testify theories and progress in the field. It seems that were the Chaldean priests to educate those Egyptians and the pyramids are certainly a sign and proof that The knowledge in the field was wide. A

little earlier, in Greece, around the sixth century BC, the philosopher Thales studied astronomy and astrology as did Pythagoras at the end of 400 BC, the latter was also reported by Copernicus as the precursor of the heliocentric theory (which , exactly, are the planets to revolve around the sun and not vice-versa).

Rome astronomy was held in high regard, and the same was true of astrology, it was enormous faith and confidence in the advice and work of astrologers, who were appointed by the Emperors themselves.

Arabs, from 500 AD, were the first in science and philosophy with their studies, and early Middle Ages it was through them that the interest in astronomy woke up in Europe, after a period of calm.

Starting XV / XVI century great progress in the field took place here in Italy, thanks to Galileo, the telescope, and its new survey method called "scientific method".
Meanwhile in Europe saw the achievement of internationally renowned Polish astronomer Copernicus that by following the teachings of Pythagoras, believed in the heliocentric theory, but it lacked the necessary evidence to prove it. His work was later continued by Kepler, the German astronomer who formulated the famous three laws that specify and explain the heliocentric theory (which I will discuss later with drawings and tables). There are

other great scientists to be reported, except that, in the century just ended, a great contribution to astronomy was given by Einstein, who worked mainly in the fields of physics, but whose deductions are also applicable in astronomy (working with the "speed light "suggested the existence of points of singularity in which most were not worth the laws of physics and that blacks were called holes).

And so, therefore, permanently separated from astrology to astronomy, with a strong space studies based on hypotheses, experiments, testing, calculation, formulation of laws. And so it begins ..

How To Head A Letter Of Interest For A Sorority

angolo_di_cielo @ 2005-01-14T11: 18:00

start from the basics, from the first theoretical notions, until you get to the description of planets, stars, galaxies and all astronomical objects.

If you are curious, then I suggest you buy the magazine "Astronomy" is a little technical, less "popular" magazines such as Focus, is very specialized. At first it is hard to understand, but after you do the basics every thing is in its place:)

For questions and advice, even to the sky, do not hesitate to ask. As long as I know and I can help you:)

Happy reading!