brief history of astronomy
The history of astronomy, for a period of time, went hand in hand with astrology. A "scientific" study of the real sky was thanks to Nicolas Copernicus, in late 1400, when he published his De Revolutionibus (= "The Revolution"). In this book, insisted that, contrary to previous theories that asserted, was the Sun at the center of the orbits of the planets, not the Earth.
Until now, however, studies of heaven were less systematic, though starting as long as 5000 years ago, when the Chaldeans - ancestors of the Babylonians - compiled maps the sky. Each star sign on the paper it was believed that humans had an influence, and everything that could not be explained was certainly the work of the gods who resided in the planets and the heavens.
The study of the sky, however, was purely and simply by observation, because it can calculate distances, space and time, there were none.
The Greeks and the Egyptians gave much to the theory and practice of astrology / astronomy, but was very oral, so there are no written sources that can testify theories and progress in the field. It seems that were the Chaldean priests to educate those Egyptians and the pyramids are certainly a sign and proof that The knowledge in the field was wide. A
little earlier, in Greece, around the sixth century BC, the philosopher Thales studied astronomy and astrology as did Pythagoras at the end of 400 BC, the latter was also reported by Copernicus as the precursor of the heliocentric theory (which , exactly, are the planets to revolve around the sun and not vice-versa).
Rome astronomy was held in high regard, and the same was true of astrology, it was enormous faith and confidence in the advice and work of astrologers, who were appointed by the Emperors themselves.
Arabs, from 500 AD, were the first in science and philosophy with their studies, and early Middle Ages it was through them that the interest in astronomy woke up in Europe, after a period of calm.
Starting XV / XVI century great progress in the field took place here in Italy, thanks to Galileo, the telescope, and its new survey method called "scientific method".
Meanwhile in Europe saw the achievement of internationally renowned Polish astronomer Copernicus that by following the teachings of Pythagoras, believed in the heliocentric theory, but it lacked the necessary evidence to prove it. His work was later continued by Kepler, the German astronomer who formulated the famous three laws that specify and explain the heliocentric theory (which I will discuss later with drawings and tables). There are
other great scientists to be reported, except that, in the century just ended, a great contribution to astronomy was given by Einstein, who worked mainly in the fields of physics, but whose deductions are also applicable in astronomy (working with the "speed light "suggested the existence of points of singularity in which most were not worth the laws of physics and that blacks were called holes).
And so, therefore, permanently separated from astrology to astronomy, with a strong space studies based on hypotheses, experiments, testing, calculation, formulation of laws. And so it begins ..
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