The picture story is in the works, although I fear that will not be ready until the second half of August.: D
Here we go, Sunday is the day of the convention, the real reason that led me to this trip. The first, in truth, because London is London, Claudia is my best friend and Silvana is a golden girl.
arrive at Earls Court and the excitement and fear (of being disappointed by Mikeletto, there is this risk, we know) is doing a strange effect on us (me and Cla, I mean). Apparently we are peaceful but we can not relax. Enough, however, the queue entry, is intended for those who have already paid the ticket, to get us all at least signed. There are many people in costume, and you immediately notice that the organization is excellent; Security would have a little something to teach those of STICCON in terms of kindness and professionalism: clean, everyone. The group of Star Wars is great, they are ready to play with everyone, adults and children can identify with their characters, depending on the situation (in other words, the guards on duty to scare adults, but I have not seen a baby cry of fear, and there were many and of all ages ... this is called sensitivity to who's in front). The group's safety, then, is to be commended. I have not seen a show that, at the Toto said, complacency of those who necessarily have to feel superior because it is part of the safety and you're a mere spectator You must be a merdaccia. Are controversial? Perhaps, but years ago I have seen things you people ...
Back at the convention.
I'm fascinated by the costumes of Visitors, Diana is a wonderful, complete with a mouse (hopefully fake?) Attached to a belt. The theatricality of these people we slide the tail and, without noticing it, we're inside.
The environment is vast, but a kind of indoor stadium from high ceilings, designed not to give any sense of claustrophobia, wide corridors and spacious, functional, even for people with disabilities, the side bars and restaurants (and the bathroom!) , stores and shops in the center and bottom of a long line with the banquets of the actors. There
an R2-D2 who struts into the environment, remote controlled by a very nice guy that will delight everyone with its beep recognizable to those who have seen Star Wars at least once. There is a giant panda that makes its way by embracing children and adults, and I wonder how he can not die of heat inside that costume. And then various Doctor Who, Star Wars characters galore. There's even a Vorlon! And yet Alien, Predator, Soldiers of SGC (Stargate), Daleks and much more. It really breathes an air of festivity.
And then there's them, the actors.
Sylvy, now, you do autographs for his friends from the stars of Star Wars. What can I say, Darth Vader looks like a real gentleman ... Chewbacca is more beautiful costumes Chewbacca, AEHM ... My intent was
Mikeletto and maybe an autograph for Mauri Trejo. I did not take long to realize that I would not have to queue at all disappointed for Michael Shanks and Bruce Boxleitner. I discovered that even Sylvy is a fan of Bruce, and she has never seen Babylon 5!
So now, as Mikeletto not yet arrived, we put ourselves in line for Shanks. There is a sign that warns against taking pictures posing with the actor, but nobody forbids you to photograph. Shanks is kind, the guy that is before us is not the true fan is there for his wife who was unable to come. Shanks does not think twice, asking him to call on the phone and liabilities, and moves few minutes with her. Was not obligated to do so, the guy had paid fifteen pounds for his autograph. Yet it is these small details that we see the humanity and nobility of certain actors.
Sylvy is ahead, because she speaks English very well, no need to formulate sentences hours before in the brain, translating as best and take another half hour to figure out what he will say and what to say. For her it is natural, and Cla I envy you very much!
Shanks smiles, autographs, chatting with us (we are from Italy!).
Uhm, as the first impact was satisfactory.
Mikeletto has longer tail, though. So we take note of our reservation and waited patiently.
Mikeletto is slow, we are still far from our fifty numbers ... you say, We (Sylvy words) by Bruce go? And I thought I had longer tails, but there is none. Maybe they are all gone from him yesterday, or maybe it's too early, in fact, there is still a lot of people.
Select the image and approach. The boy who is with Bruce is really nice and puts us at ease immediately. Bruce is also nice, and the first guesses my name (it's the only one who gives without anglicized in Cynthia Cynthia), takes pictures without any problems and he is pleasantly surprised by the we come from. I feel oddly at ease, so different from how it appears on the screen ... and much thinner than when she played Sheridan in Babylon 5.
Again, this is done (the first occasion, remember to burst Mark Bruce's autograph waving under your nose).
And now, Mikeletto to us!
Claudia shakes, I see it, but Sylvy is a myth and makes us go in an instant all fear.
Sylvy: We come from Italy.
Mikeletto: Oh, Italy. Where?
Sylvy: Close Switzerland. But she (points to CLA) and Genoa.
Mikeletto: Oh, I remember Genoa. There have been with my wife. I met the woman lowest in the world! (And begins to remember, gesticulating like an obsession) and I remember that her son was gay (and mimics the movements).
We are amused. But what talk! And I and Cla are there, hanging on his lips!
Sylvy: we have a gift for you!
Mikeletto: Oh.
Sylvy: Amaretto are a specialty.
Mikeletto, shifting his gaze to the left where you sly-Danny-Trejo: Danny, we got lunch!
We burst out laughing, Cla photographs it, and then he begins to write autographs, takes pictures and words and still laugh ... Sylvy not sure that the photo-Cla Mikeletto is coming well, so proposes to make another, and he agrees ... Sylvy then says it is not very good with the machine and he comes out with a seraphic, so why is she holding the camera?
break out into laughter again, I'm sorry for those who were behind us, but I'm waiting for a life time ... let us spend some time 'with him!
We wish you a safe trip back, we shook hands, it only adds to what I do not remember, and we warmly greet you.
is done! We knew
Now anything can happen, even plunge the world, that I and Cla does not matter. In truth Sylvy also became fascinated by him, but she has not seen all his films, what we can say that he did. No, it is not true: Claudia has seen them all all all, I miss a couple ... and the only reason she takes precedence over him.
A pause to put something under your teeth, a coffee and then off to scream to the world that we know Mikeletto!
You can come and go without problems, thanks to the famous stamp on the back of his hand, which for some may remain indelible for days!
Inside is a small area to relax, just sit on the floor, where they placed the carpet. We take the opportunity a bit 'but today we decided to ignore the cries of our feet: Mikeletto takes precedence!
The hours pass happy, but has not even finished! There is a photo session at noon and a half, with Mikeletto! And the two and a half there will be a meeting with him and Furlong, free, and we reserve!
During the photo session we are recognized by Mikeletto, well ', after not even two hours have passed since we met him, but it is pleasure, it is useless to deny it.
I will have made the convention face in the photo? Bo '! Dura
all few seconds, but the photographer is in the first leg and to send you away and on another, check that the photo is coming well, at least technically. When
Mikeletto and Furlong is a chat show for free (and stress free) with the public, our hero explains that there are not so much to talk about but how to answer our questions.
whole world over, from this point of view ... There are Hostans-like here!
responses are both funny and cute and Mikeletto Hostans duty to make certain faces! It changes the subject to avoid having to answer stupid questions. Question
dell'Hostans duty: how was kiss Sharon Stone?
What kind of question is this? How can that have been? He is an actor, she an actress and the script was written that you had to kiss. Point. The facciazza Mikeletto worth of more than one answer.
speak for half an hour but then the stage will need to sell it to Twilight fans, well, that we are in that stuff ... de gustibus.
mizzega and me I know! (This sentence does not perform well in English)
At this point we met but we have to wait until four and a half to find our photos printed with Mikeletto. I went to Trejo
me to do an autograph for Mauri. It does so scared as I thought (Mikeletto there will be on cigarette break), he is kind as much as the guy next to him looking at the name, though a foreigner, makes a face ... is for my husband, I smile. Ah, well, he says, smiling in turn.
We rest again at the bar. I need caffeine to take back a moment from the strain of this wonderful day.
Sylvy took the opportunity to return to Mikeletto ... you forgot that they should have an autograph for her friend Lorena. And Cla I think (damn, never make the timid, never, never!) That may not be the case that we go home, maybe break the bales, but ... Sylvy told him that we came here for him (and it is true !!!!), and he himself as well as take a picture with his autograph for her friend Silvana, kisses as well! Damn !!!!, escapes with a tone of voice to the "Mother" JeanClaude sensuality of the court. Will pay for this insult! He has to pay! We do not know how, where or when but it will pay for: P
Back to the hotel exhausted. The vacation is almost over. Tomorrow we will return to Italy, but our plane will leave at eight in the evening, then tomorrow there will be time to explore something else, and meet a couple of friends of Sylvy.
eat the usual sandwiches (and donuts), then, about ten o'clock we go down the pub which is opposite the hotel and discover, listen, listen, that the CIA has never been in a London pub! Argh! To be remedied, and also to celebrate the event-Mikeletto we enjoy a good beer until about eleven o'clock we understand that the bartender wants to close and we go to sleep, collapsing exhausted and plunging into the arms of Morpheus. * Continues *
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