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The following may be of interest to anyone who knows people who attend a public school, and to a lesser extent also those who work at public or part of an NGO or a voluntary association.
Many of these subjects are generally short of pecuniary, resulting inter alia in a shortage of computer equipment.
It the Inland Revenue gives you the old PC . Which at worst is really a bit 'Vecchiotti, but in most cases are 5-6 years ago, with LCD monitor still decent hardware and equipment. Certainly more than decent for educational use. The preferred recipients are in fact the public schools, other public bodies are exhausted and then the non-profit organizations.
I am particularly keen on this initiative, not because the care my office, but because I think it is one of those instances of good management of public affairs who can not make the news when in fact they deserve.
Sull ' special page of the site found the two active calls (Liguria and Head Office), soon will follow new calls like, always located on a regional basis. The idea, as the replacement of computer equipment is continuous, is also continuing to make these calls. To participate serve una casella di PEC (anche di terzi); l'assegnazione delle apparecchiature è fatta mediante sorteggio in un modo un po' bizzarro che però non vi anticipo: leggetevi i bandi.
Se volete, commentate qua. Soprattutto, però, diffondete la voce, ché le scuole hanno sempre bisogno e magari non sono al corrente dell'iniziativa.
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