Conill of my heart, after "only" 4 months (and 3 days from the pictures XD) here's your post XD
CranberRome 'cause ... and 'the vulgar name of the union eyeshadow "carrier" of this trick, that wonder of Cranberry MAC (forgiveness, divine Cranberry, pictures do not do justice, and one who has seen him live knows, _ and we will retry 'in spring U_U), with the city' of my heart ... I made this trick for the first time the morning of departure for Rome the next to last time I was able to set foot, and as eye shadow and 'as much as the beautiful city' of my heart somehow join them: D
Cranberry made me fall in love at first sight, and, quite rare event for me ... I discovered it on the net, and I live and 'even more like' I saw that picture o_O
's over that I went to MAC (where there was Agostina \u0026lt;3) Via Torino to Milan Parfait Amour ♥ buy but when I found myself in front of Cranberry ... I had to take. It was also the last
Septum: D
Son 4 months I'm looking for words to describe the tone that is ... turns red in my photos, but not 'do' it red 'rose in its' purple ... and 'a mixture of 3, although as I find it a tone more' "Complicated" than the American cranberry which takes ... maybe 'cause what I see more' red 'and that's it. "
Cranberry from certain points of view and 'in the range of color of the Last Call Urban Decay (another of my great love, among other things, acquired a couple of weeks before him XD I have several pictures of the tricks as protagonist, sooner or later maybe I post some ... I had it up in Milan in early October when I bought Cranberry for those who were there XD), but that 'tends more' purple.
It 's a silky texture and sfumabilissima eyeshadow, very suitable for dramatic look (as is proper for my taste ^ ^;), so that morning I made the protagonist make-up, trying to lighten the little that I could (for example in the gradient of the fold) 'cause it was day after all ...
All photos are made with flash, but the natural light afforded by fair day where I am were taken. I have also the version without flash but the focus was far from optimal (my limits but also the location where I took the pictures, sigh)
Here we can see especially in those with open eyes, a little bit of ownership 'of Cranberry ... instead they are successful in no to enhance the eyeliner that is not 'black as it may seem ... T_T
proceed ... . _.
I applied as a basis the usual Too Faced Shadow Insturance over the entire eyelid, blending right under the eyebrow arch and also going to bring it under the eye, I chose a transparent base to avoid altering the color rendering (or rather, to do as little as possible, the skin tone a minimum of influence has it).
Then I took the brush ELF C Cranberry and I tapped on the entire upper eyelid without worrying about getting well outside the crease of the eye, I filled it with a matte black with glitter, Oil Silk Urban Decay, applied gradient plate with a brush (to shop Green ... although in reality 'would have gone very well to H & M. .. a day I post about brushes, I promise. _.
The color I picked up the brush by placing just a moment on the wafer, and for the writing effect of color to the effect that I wanted to get ... the gradient does indeed seem like a dark gray although 'both of her very pigmented, and the effect and' wanted 'cause I wanted to leave some semblance "of days" to look ... in the evening we would have come with my hand a lot more 'heavy ^^;;;
A great dupe of that color cheaply and' Black Goddess of Essence, eyeshadows mono line.
really writes a lot, it fades well and costs very abundant in the dozen euro less disgusting ^^;;; do not (unless like me do not buy the Ammo palette that contains it ... I do not remember in what other content palette of the house is ^ ^)
At this point I switched to arch eyebrows ... brush with a large gradient (13 of Sephora) I did a first pass of the Urban Decay Sin , and that 'a golden pink shimmer, but very discreet, which I superimposed
Chopper, and always UD that' a brown glitter, a kind of bronze with silver glitter ... mixed together give a strange combination that I find effective in combination with Cranberry, especially on my skin tone. Sin is also
very slightly below the eye.
Dupe economic ... uhm ... Sin could be groped with NeveMakeUp Moon Shadow, Chopper while I raise my hands and ask for help from home XD
the link and swatches Look around and you tell me, 'cause I do not understand a chestnut known cabbage I still have not and I hunt just google dupe MAC ^ ^;
(maybe Audrey NeveMakeUp applied with light hand might get closer to the goal, but do not have and can not bring pet groped ... now that I see XD
Another color that seems like the network and 'Stage Beauty of Essence, which is part of the line of baked eye shadow, but I've never even swatch and then take it with reserve)
point of light with Urban Decay Polyester Bride , and that 'a white superglitterato, bright.
a dupe of this there are many around, it was a once Kiko (the first eyeshadow I've ever done! XD), but not 'more' so 'so I suggest Bling Bling Essence, eyeshadows line always cooked , I really like and would like to enlargement because 'they write a lot and not flour, but only 6 U_U (I have the lilac, and that' a dupe of a MAC mineralization on which I had my eye XD and for lighting and 'excellent)
eyeliner and' obtained NeveMakeUp of Brooklyn, applied wet to intensify it ... and 'a dark gray with three different colors of glitter, a show, I HATED my camera, the light and the world as I could not photograph him decently; _;
Live and 'sbrillosissimo and makes a effettone, no dupe' cause Conill and then have it cheap. : D
the time to complete the trick I used blush caught mat (Peach NYX, a tone that is quite good in any beauty case) with lip gloss and pink transparent but brilliant (my beloved Too Faced Mirror Gloss I Love Myself " . My favorite gloss finish, sealing and so on) ... I think it's best to keep the rest of the face not marcatissimo with Cranberry used that way, 'cause, however, stands a figure \u0026lt;3
I would say that I go to bed ^ ^
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