This tag is' turned on beauty blogs around November ... I wanted to do it myself because it 's interesting, but I am taking my time ... usual XD
and I 'came to mind now because of resurrecting' a question that is often placed in people like me who loves make-up and ': "but you can' make-up with little money and at least decent?" (at best XD laymen say, "spend a lot of money"
But no!
Want proof? Here it is!
Launched version truccosa by Marguerite N , which he adapted from the one on the clothes of Anjeza (a praise to those who can do that ... I did not. _.) I actually 'l 'I read the top three people that I admire ... Giovanna , Daniela G. and Mary .
1) No limit of number but the total price of products must not exceed 50 €
2) limit price of each product set at 30 €!
3) Enter the price of individual products
I tried to do a full makeup that could unite the possibility 'of something "daily" to that evening, her makeup natural and the most' ... whimsical evening (or just the way I like!) and I decided to leave out brushes and other accessories (even if there are cheap but very good around) not to complicate the life (the rest is that when one goes away from home a few days to realize that killing truccosita 'door, but brushes them sticks in my suitcase and all amen XD) ... the rest would be in make up to include preparatory face cream (and for me, even around the eyes, I can not live without and you'll understand why after ') but it' s been left out anyone, so ... ^ ^;
If you are interested, under the cut there 'my proposal with my motivation!
- mineral foundation (Aleguaras, Lily Lolo) -> 1.5 €
- Hollywood Snow Powder Makeup -> 3.9 €
- corrector H & M - > 4.9 €
- Snow Makeup Creamy Blush -> 3.9 €
For the face, of course I chose a mineral foundation, and that ' I think the best solution 'for Economic around coverage and naturalness' combined with a very minimal allergy risk (but very much' lower than what you can 'have with any other type of foundation incidence speaks!) and a chance' to find its true color (and not one that "approaches") much 'larger than any other type of fund.
For the price I have made an average of two samples of the companies mentioned are useful to move forward a couple of weeks (maybe a little something extra 'with Aleguaras, when it will end' will know '!), If you want to try the product are sufficient.
Powder fixative and the Hollywood 'my preferitissima, similar to the famous HD MUFE (star of the powder, someone said) but sold at a much more 'honest ... the mini I use it every day since July, I still have. XD
preferable in case of skin that is easily polished. How
correction to H & M and 'my favorite from the economic ... a fault has only two colors sold in Italy, but if one of them for you ... might have turned!
E 'of those fluids, and then spreads easily and is' a lot of work and living longer 'than decent with my eye that is not as dry as anything (only part of my face to have' I'm the problem ...) and which therefore do not like the vast majority of the correction in the market, including some well-known (MUFE HD; _;) ...
Snow Makeup Creamy Blush ... satin, antique pink, and is good on many skin tones and 'usable on a quantity' of tricks extremely wide, both for day to evening.
(also usable as eye shadow and lips becomes a jolly great product!)
eyes and eyebrows
- eyebrow kit Essence -> 2.99 €
- shadestick Kiko -> 6.9 €
- ELF gel eyeliner -> 4 €
- long lasting pencil Essence -> 1.99 €
- Original Sleek palette -> € 8 € (9.9 € from Sephora ... I am in truth 'the I paid € 4 on the site Sleek)
- mascara Bottega Verde -> 3.9 euro ( full price and 'more' high, but buy at full price by Bottega Verde 'offense XD and the fact that this and' the price at which they sell it almost always between continuous offers and postcards, I think that is the real world ... if you have no idea why 'you ask in the comments)
For eyebrow kit Essence' cause, even if available in one color, and 'vaguely modular and can' be a valid approach to the problem begins.
For the eyes I put a lot of things for my love of makeup and eyes' cause I wanted to respond to the double requirement afternoon / evening ... Original Sleek palette, for example, contains both color natural makeup (brown, pink, yellow and even the 'clear) and color sophisticated make-up (that wonderful purple \u0026lt;3 but also the green blue ...), you do smokey ... and 'pretty varied and I think the most' complete among the permanent line Sleek.
The gel eyeliner in ELF 'something wonderful, he writes so much and make us his hand, and' was easy, 'cause you decide to brush more' suitable for our needs. The
shadestick Kiko overcome the problem of eye base 'cause personally speaking, and' a conditio sine qua non of my eye makeup: eye shadows to eat oily eyelid relationship! T_____T
'm one of those people who can not 'put anything on the eyelids without ending the stripes or in the case of certain eye shadows, the disappearance of the same ... and not being able to enter the base of my heart (it costs too much to put everything else in the tag ^ ^) I went on a second choice of all respect. In the picture
catered 'a colorful' cause I have not bought the # 7 for me and 'the most' neutral range ... I envy those who can 'afford to be without basis; _;
The Essence and pencil' for internal rhyme ... there 'who also puts us in the gel eyeliner, frankly I do not trust, and' still a delicate area ...
- Pencil-gloss Kiko # 8 -> 3.9 €
- lipstick NYX Flower -> 2 € (mean XD I have paid less, the official site from the '$ 4) Double
choice here ... and the gloss' for the day or in general when you need a nude color on my lips; I do not dry the lips without lip balm so I can take it as ... lipstick and 'more' evening, I put that because it 's my favorite ones I have of the brand as well as' the most 'with a look that I could do myself, but' the NYX ago maybe a hundred colors , then its not you can 'complain ^ ^
- Essence glaze color and go -> 1.29 €
For the color you do, there are just so many and I even forgot to put in a photo to illustrate a ^ ^;
Enamel I quote just 'cause I was so in figure and there' some product that you can 'pay even less (some discount and always happens with cunning takes advantage of!) so ... XD
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