After seven years we were able to return to Florence, on the occasion of the birthday of Mauri. Three days of full immersion in the city of art par excellence. Three days of walking without rest, and our feet are still howling. Three days full of fun and pleasant surprises.
The post is a bit 'long, is the absence from the journal of this period, and is written for four hands, in close collaboration with Mauri. ^_^;;;
The first surprise was the cleanliness of the city. Remembered not do so, and good Renzi, continues in this way that you are doing well!
The red arrow It takes less than two hours to get from Milan to Florence e la partenza di venerdì è stata strategicamente azzeccata, perché la nostra intenzione era di provare a visitare gli Uffizi, dato che l'ultima volta la coda chilometrica all'entrata ci aveva fatto desistere.
Così, arriviamo a mezzogiorno, il tempo di lasciare i bagagli in albergo e via alla ricerca dell'opportunità perduta sette anni prima.
Ogni tanto Murphy decide di farsi gli affari suoi e, accompagnati dallo zio Buck che soffiava piacevolmente portando un bel sole nella città, cominciamo le nostre scarpinate.
La prima tappa, però, riguarda il brontolìo nello stomaco, e troviamo quello che sarà il nostro rifocillatore ufficiale a pranzo di tutti e tre i giorni: i Fratellini.
When the word fast food chains and large rolls of disgusting and hot dogs were still to be born, this authentic establishment of fast food had already fed midst of Tuscany and beyond. In human space needed for packing tasty sandwiches (at a guess a couple of square meters) the "little brother" juggles in the preparation of simple and fantastic sandwiches, almost all (except two) and two euro fifty, perhaps even for quick counts and remains. To try the one with the fabulous roast pork, as only in these parts the can. He clearly beat the Luini of Milan. (Perhaps only the "Great Chianti" Sottoripa can compare.)
The Fratellini
With belly full enough to reach into the evening without too many expectations we head towards the Uffizi Gallery.
Miracle! There is almost none! We go past a security worthy of an international airport, complete with a metal detector for people and things, and we immerse ourselves in history and art and all that such a museum can offer.
continue our trek in the old city.
House of the Supreme Poet (but he was not at home, it is rumored who is from Fratellini to eat a sandwich)
We have dinner in a pub with good beer and friendly atmosphere.
(indecent photos with the phone)
Brewery Must Dolce
Saturday morning, a thorough visit to Santa Maria Novella (church and convent).
What fascinated us most was the English Chapel, with frescoes by Andrea di Bonaiuto, which are a sort of "fumettone / affrescoromanzo" on the order of the Dominicans, and depict various scenes role in the fight against the heresy of the Dominicans.
In particular there are alcune scene, simili iconograficamente a pitture di tema venatorio, con dei cani da caccia che rappresentano i confratelli dell'ordine detti anche domini canes. Nel 1566 il granduca Cosimo I destinò la sala alle funzioni religiose degli spagnoli, da cui il nome, al seguito della moglie Eleonora di Toledo. (fonte wikipedia)
E poi dicono che ci piacciono i fumetti....
Caccia ai personaggi famosi - parte uno (il Sommo Poeta è sempre presente)
Caccia ai personaggi famosi - parte due (la spasimante del Sommo Poeta + domini canes)
Altra scarpinata per una mostra sulle macchine di Leonardo da Vinci, che vale la pena visit.
Gallery Michelangelo Florence
Pappa brothers and then by the Holy Cross.
's where the great poet was over!
Loitering for the city, then we found this lovely store masks.
But what is the most popular in Florence?
Botticelli? Michelangelo? Renzi? Mutu? The field-mouse?
The waffles! They call Wafer ... Bombazza calories with a specific gravity equal to that of depleted uranium.
Finally, at dinner, to celebrate the birthday of Mauri We have given a dinner by the flavors of Tuscany (again photos taken with mobile phone are very bad, sorry).
Sunday we left by train at midday (began to rain), eating delicious sandwiches on the train the last of Fratellini.
WARNING: all the works represented here are not mistreated and were strictly photographed without the use of flash (except Mauri that the jelly waffles).
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